Alarm Lock for Motorcycle Scooter Quad Bike
Alarm Padlock / Lock for Motorcycle Scooter Quad Bike
Alarm Padlock / Lock for Motorcycle Scooter Quad Bike is a one of our Alarm Lock for Motorcycle Scooter Quad Bike Tools, you can buy Alarm Padlock / Lock for Motorcycle Scooter Quad Bike from
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images of Alarm Padlock / Lock for Motorcycle Scooter Quad Bike

Alarm Padlock / Lock for Motorcycle Scooter Quad Bike
When it is in alarm mode, if there is any slight wind movement alarm will not sound, the control unit can recognize tempering and innocent movement, if tempered with in the first time, the lock will not sound and automatically increase sensitivity, if tempered again within 5 seconds just even a slight movement or any foreign metal contact on the shackle will immediately sound a 10 second 110db alarm.
if the alarm is still shaking, it will continued to alarm, until the shaking stops. To restore the initial alarm state after about 30 seconds ...
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