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Diagzone Software Open Software Subscription Passenger cars Thinkcar Thinkdiag Old boot Easydiag Golo pro

Diagzone Software Open Software Subscription Passenger cars Thinkcar Thinkdiag Old boot Easydiag Golo pro

Diagzone Software Open Software Subscription Passenger cars (1 years) for Dbscar, easydiag 2.0,
if you need to use diagzone for thinkdiag, golo pro, please buy 2years.the quantities choose 2.
Item No. COBD27293
5 étoiles, 9 avis.
In Stock
US$160.00/ piece
Discount Price:
US$65.00/ piece 59%
Free Shippingvia Airmail Post
Estimated delivery time: 7-45 working days.See details?
Return for refund within 30 days, buyer pays return shipping.Read details ?
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Diagzone Software Open Software Subscription Passenger cars Thinkcar Thinkdiag Old boot Easydiag Golo pro
  • Diagzone Software Open Software Subscription Passenger cars Thinkcar Thinkdiag Old boot Easydiag Golo pro
  • Diagzone Software Open Software Subscription Passenger cars Thinkcar Thinkdiag Old boot Easydiag Golo pro

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Guide for Diagzone software open

Install diagzone app and try free EOBD before buy.
1.Send me SN before payment for your device, like old thinkdiag.
2.we will send you login and password for your SN
3.Download diagzone program: please login on and download program diagzone to your android phone.
4. Test EOBD in diagzone program.
Login in diagzone program, download EOBD and test it.
If all ok, you can order. We will activate software for your SN.

No Hardware will be sent in this link.

Before you buy, please send SN to seller, install diagzone app and try free EOBD first.

We can send you login and password for your SN, you can test EOBD on diagzone.
Please download EOBD and try to connect car with EOBD.
If succeeds, it supports diagzone.

If fails and show " Connection lost. If you need to continue diagnosis, please exit the current diagnosis in time", it does not support diagzone.

Diagzone Software Open Software Subscription Passenger

Seller recommends Subscription 14 days!

1. you can still use old software after 14 days.
2. Stamps can be downloaded after the expiration date.(must do picture below in setting)
3. Cheap!
4. Including all passenger cars

Diagzone Software Open Software Subscription Passenger

What Language does Diagzone app support?

23 kinds of Languages:

Diagzone Software Open Software Subscription Passenger

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